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The Principality of Gallia

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Brigitte "Rosie" Stark

A lively, hot-headed former bar singer


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A corporal in the militia and head vanguard of Squad 7.

She gets angry pretty quickly when something annoys her, and she is never afraid to laugh when she finds something funny. She is frank and direct with her emotions, for better or for worse.

Although she is a Shocktrooper, before the war, she was a singer at the local bar. It was there that she first earned the nickname "Rosie," and her squad still uses it today.

Like many other people across Europa, she has a low opinion of Darcsens, and she is often cold towards Isara.

Age: 27

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A corporal in the militia and head vanguard of Squad 7.

She gets angry pretty quickly when something annoys her, and she is never afraid to laugh when she finds something funny. She is frank and direct with her emotions, for better or for worse.

Although she is a Shocktrooper, before the war, she was a singer at the local bar. It was there that she first earned the nickname "Rosie," and her squad still uses it today.

Like many other people across Europa, she has a low opinion of Darcsens, and she is often cold towards Isara.

Age: 27

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The Principality of Gallia

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The East Europan Imperial Alliance

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