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The East Europan Imperial Alliance

At the outset of the 18th century, advances in ragnite-powered technology gave rise to an unprecedented Industrial Revolution throughout most of the eastern regions of Europa. However, as wealth accumulated, the existing autocratic rule tightened its grasp, leaving no room for a workers revolution. Nations' rulers built strong ties with one another through marriage, soon giving rise to the East Europan Imperial Alliance.

The old medieval traditions were difficult to sever ties with, and although the new constitution did not explicitly invoke an absolute ruler, the nations found themselves bowing before a newly appointed Emperor.

It is a conservative realm, holding dear to the customs and prejudices of ages past, including a deeply rooted mistrust of the Darcsens.

Imperial Alliance Map

At the outset of the 18th century, advances in ragnite-powered technology gave rise to an unprecedented Industrial Revolution throughout most of the eastern regions of Europa. However, as wealth accumulated, the existing autocratic rule tightened its grasp, leaving no room for a workers revolution. Nations' rulers built strong ties with one another through marriage, soon giving rise to the East Europan Imperial Alliance.

The old medieval traditions were difficult to sever ties with, and although the new constitution did not explicitly invoke an absolute ruler, the nations found themselves bowing before a newly appointed Emperor.

It is a conservative realm, holding dear to the customs and prejudices of ages past, including a deeply rooted mistrust of the Darcsens.

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The Atlantic Federation

Unlike the politics of the east, many other nations throughout Europa saw successful worker uprisings immediately following in the wake of industrial progress. This led to the formation of several modern republics, progressive in their ideologies. Their people saw the rise of the autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance and, feeling threatened, banded together to form the Atlantic Federation.

Although the Federation maintains an elected figurehead, the group of nations frequently have trouble agreeing on a unified stance on many issues. The Federation thus is forced to rely on secret treaties and aggressive diplomacy. It is because of the nations' plurality that the Federation has not proved victorious in war, despite amassing a military strength far superior to that of the Empire.

Atlantic Federation Flag

Unlike the politics of the east, many other nations throughout Europa saw successful worker uprisings immediately following in the wake of industrial progress. This led to the formation of several modern republics, progressive in their ideologies. Their people saw the rise of the autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance and, feeling threatened, banded together to form the Atlantic Federation.

Although the Federation maintains an elected figurehead, the group of nations frequently have trouble agreeing on a unified stance on many issues. The Federation thus is forced to rely on secret treaties and aggressive diplomacy. It is because of the nations' plurality that the Federation has not proved victorious in war, despite amassing a military strength far superior to that of the Empire.

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The Principality of Gallia

A constitutional monarchy, whose capital city of Randgriz is named after the ancient hero of the War of the Valkyrur. It is believed that Randgriz himself founded the castle here, and for generations since, sovereign rule over the nation has been passed down through his bloodline.

Gallia possesses a large quantity of ragnite deposits, and its marine west-coast climate provides a reliable annual rainfall. It is a fertile land, ideal for dairy farming and agriculture, and the majority of its population makes their living through those chief industries.

Gallia Flag

A constitutional monarchy, whose capital city of Randgriz is named after the ancient hero of the War of the Valkyrur. It is believed that Randgriz himself founded the castle here, and for generations since, sovereign rule over the nation has been passed down through his bloodline.

Gallia possesses a large quantity of ragnite deposits, and its marine west-coast climate provides a reliable annual rainfall. It is a fertile land, ideal for dairy farming and agriculture, and the majority of its population makes their living through those chief industries.


Welkin's hometown, on the outskirts of Gallia. It is known for its tall windmill.

Ghirlandaio Fortress

A key point on the Gallian border, regarded as wholly impenetrable.

Castle Randgriz

The breathtaking capital of Gallia. It is referred to as the "Gem of Europa."

Kloden Wildwood

A heavily forested area which makes passage extremely difficult.

The Barious Ruins

It is believed to be a temple constructed by the ancient Valkyrur during the pre-era.

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The mineral ragnite can be found all over the Europan continent and has become a primary energy source of the modern era and an essential part of everyday life. Many of the technological advancements of the Industrial Revolution one century ago owe their discovery to this precious ore.

When drawing power from ragnite, it emits a characteristic blue glow.

Battle Over Ragnite

The mineral ragnite can be found all over the Europan continent and has become a primary energy source of the modern era and an essential part of everyday life. Many of the technological advancements of the Industrial Revolution one century ago owe their discovery to this precious ore.

When drawing power from ragnite, it emits a characteristic blue glow.

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The Valkyrurs and the Darcsens

Around 30 BC, a race known as the Darcsens were spread all throughout the Europan continent. They harnessed a forbidden power to wage war among themselves, eventually leading to the Darcsen Calamity. This event was believed to have laid waste to much of Europa and threw the entire continent into chaos.

It was during this time that the Valkyrurs appeared. What soon erupted came to be known as the "War of the Valkyrur." When the dust settled, the Valkyrurs proved victorious and peace was restored to the continent.

Valkyrurs and Darcsens

Around 30 BC, a race known as the Darcsens were spread all throughout the Europan continent. They harnessed a forbidden power to wage war among themselves, eventually leading to the Darcsen Calamity. This event was believed to have laid waste to much of Europa and threw the entire continent into chaos.

It was during this time that the Valkyrurs appeared. What soon erupted came to be known as the "War of the Valkyrur." When the dust settled, the Valkyrurs proved victorious and peace was restored to the continent.